And “seeking red marks and inheriting the ambition of a strong country” characteristic party organization life meeting

Release Time:2017.07.27 Author: WIN ZONE Lawyer

On July 23, 1921, the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held, which officially announced the birth of the Communist Party of China.

July 23, 2017 is the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the party’s 96th birthday.

On July 22, 23, 2017, the party branch of the Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm chose to organize all party members of the party branch to conduct “two studies and one doing” education and “search for red seals to inherit the power of the country. The special party day event of the theme. Feeling the great achievements of the Communist Party of China, relieving history, remembering the ancestors, and paying tribute to the revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the establishment of New China during the Anti -Japanese War.

July is the birthday of the party. We follow the footsteps of the revolutionary martyrs in July

a. Forty -degree high temperature, cannot stop our visit to the revolutionary pioneer footprint
We explore under the scorching sun. At the high temperature of forty degrees, it can make me understand the hardships of the revolution, and keep in mind that we are a glorious Communist Party member. Under what circumstances, we will hardly forge ahead and forget the original intention. Career struggle for life.

b. Study and organizational life synchronize
At the same time as the party organization’s life, while visiting the revolutionary pioneer footprint and inheriting the red spirit, the party branch secretary of the Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm, Jin Heshan and Deputy Secretary Dai Ming, conveyed the study of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s “two studies, one doing” The important instructions of learning and education and promoting the spirit of institutionalization of the “two studies, one doing” study and education, and the spirit of study and implementation, study and implement the opinions。

Zhonghua Party Branch promotes the normalization of “two studies, one doing” learning and education
1. Be a qualified party member.
2. Promote the normalization and institutionalization of “two studies, one doing” learning and education.
3. Organize the “three persistence”.
4. Exercise the red spirit and achieve the “three strengths”.
5. Give full play to the role of party members to achieve the “three guarantees”.
6. The learning of party members should be integrated into daily life, and learning is often.
7. Carry out “learning party constitution and party rules, studying a series of speeches, and qualified party members” let everyone know what to learn and how to learn.

The event is successful

After the event, the party branch also held a meeting of all party members. At the meeting, the work content of the party branch in the first half of the year and the ideological education of the party members were summarized. At the meeting, all party members hope that all party members will better implement the results of learning and education in practical actions, give play to the role of party members’ vanguard, and actively promote the smooth progress of our work.
Finally say: Don’t forget your original intention, continue to move forward

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