Zhonghua Law Firm joined hands with the North Sichuan Street to escort the Expo

Release Time:2018.11.03 Author: WIN ZONE Lawyer

From October 23 to November 12, 2018, in order to ensure the smooth development of the China International Import Expo, the Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm, as the advanced unit of northern Sichuan, joined hands with the north street of Sichuan to conduct traffic civilization Standing on duty.

There are 13 representatives in our institute (namely: Jinhe Shan, Liu Chao, Shi Meizong, Yang Wenbin, Lin Jiao, Yu Xiaozheng, Zhang Hong, Zhu Yingli, Xia Heng, Huang Lingzhi, Shi Yunyun, Qin Tian, Lu Dan) as this time) as this time) as this time) as this time) as this time) as this time) as this time) as this time) as this time) as this time) as this time) as this time), as this time) Volunteers participated in duty activities.

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