The branch committee of the Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm of the Communist Party of China held

Release Time:2019.03.07 Author: WIN ZONE Lawyer

On the afternoon of March 5, 2019, the branch committee of the Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm of the Communist Party of China held an organizational life meeting and carried out the work of democratic evaluation of party members. The meeting was held through the combination of online and offline.

The meeting strictly followed the requirements issued by the District Committee’s Organization Department on the requirements of the Grassroots Party Organization Organization and Democratic Evaluation Party Member Working Process. Before the meeting, our branch conducted two organizational learning and exchanges in February 2019. For the first time, I thoroughly studied Xi Jinping’s thoughts and party constitutions with Chinese characteristics with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and implemented the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Jinping’s inspection of Shanghai. The spirit of the sixth plenary sessions of the Municipal Party Committee enhances the initiative and consciousness of democratic evaluation of party members to open a good organizational life meeting. The second study understands the work requirements of organizational life and democratic evaluation of party members, and understand the purpose and methods of organizing life meetings and democratic evaluation of party members. Comrade Liu Chao, a member of the Organization Committee, also sorted out the party members to pay party fees, participate in organizational life, accept party organizations, participate in party volunteer activities, consciously maintain the party’s image, consciously maintain the party’s image in the past year Wait for the data, and inform all party members through online methods in advance as a reference for democratic evaluation. The branch committee actively carried out the work before the meeting. The branch members, between members of the branch and the party members conducted multiple conversations, sincerely listened to the opinions and suggestions of party members on branch work and team members. Status and psychological state. In the talks and talks, the Party Branch Committee focuses on the role of political leadership, implementing the work deployment of the superior party organization, regularly carried out party organizational life, strict daily education management supervision of party members, contacting the people, and improving the work style of the work. The problem, and party members focused on studying and implementing Xi Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Find the gap and deficiencies in the aspects of practical work, obeying the discipline and discipline.

At the meeting, the Secretary of the Jinhe Shan, on behalf of the Party Branch Committee, described to all party members, reported the implementation of the rectification measures of the previous year, and reported the work of the branch in the past year. Attended the party members’ work and style of the party branch committee. After reviewing the work of the branch committee and the branch secretary, the conference adopted personal self -evaluation and mutual evaluation of party members to conduct criticism and self -criticism. Attending the party members, the party secretary was taken, and in accordance with the order of the first branch committee and other party members, in contact with specific people and specific matters, direct questions, put on performance, do not speak empty words, do not engage in a word of words, and conduct criticism and self -criticism. In response to the party members who participated in this organizational life online, the branch committee asked them to put forward online criticism and self -criticism. After the criticism and self -criticism of all party members, the branch committee arranged the organizer Liu Chao to issue a democratic evaluation form, carry out democratic assessment work, and fill in online participants online. Secretary Jin Heshan praised the party members with particularly outstanding performance and promoted positive energy; party members who did not play a long -term non -playing role or even had a negative role put forward criticism.

After the meeting, the branch committee organized some party members and lawyers to statistics democratic evaluation forms under the leadership of the organization committee member Liu Chao, and on the basis of the evaluation form, the branch committee made an evaluation and determination of the party members objectively based on the daily performance of the party members. The Party Branch Committee also formulates rectification measures on the issues and suggestions on the party members and the masses based on the review. At present, the issues of investigations are: ① Some party members and lawyers have a weak concept of organizational concepts, and individual party members and lawyers have not consciousness, and do not participate in organizational life. ② Some branch committees and party member lawyers lack social and work responsibility. In response to the above -mentioned issues, the branch committee requested the responsible person to make a rectification commitment and tied up the rectification measures: 1. Strengthen the study of political theory and continuously improve the concept of organizational discipline; 2. Give full play to the role of party members and cadres. Grasp the work style of all party members, and conduct planning and rectification activities in a planned education for outstanding issues such as “hug, laziness, and scattered” of party members; 3. enrich the form of organizational life and emphasize that theory must be connected to reality. 4. Correct work attitude, go deep into the masses, put the interests of the people first, and better serve the people; 5. The outstanding problems reflected by the masses must be resolved in time. In the above rectification measures, the party branch disclosed to the party members and the masses online through the propaganda bar and online, and reported to the superior party organization.

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