The party branch of Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm carried out the “Action of the Pioneer · Party Member”

Release Time:2018.08.24 Author: WIN ZONE Lawyer

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on hosting the China International Import Expo, and earnestly study the spirit of Comrade Li Qiang’s “sprint for 100 days, decide to enter the Expo”, combine the relevant work requirements of the district party committee and superior party committee, 8 On the morning of the 17th, the party branch of the Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm launched the theme party day event of the “Expo Pioneer · Party Member Action”.

The event was carried out in the form of “concentrated learning and discussion”.

First of all, Secretary Jinhe Shan made a comprehensive introduction to the “China International Import Expo”. Secretary Jin also proposed that the lawyers, including party members, who were advocating for party members during their posts, have made their duties in their posts and provided comprehensive comprehensively to Kaishbo Enterprises. Legal services.

Then, the organization committee member Liu Chao proposed that the Expo is an important window for my country to open to the outside world. Today is a study discussion and a mobilization meeting. As a lawyer of party members, there are many ways to support the Expo. We still hope that everyone can make a group force and based on the actual position, and actively make our own contribution to the Expo.

In the end, the participants responded positively, and they said that they would start from themselves and drive the personnel around them to strive to be the vanguard.

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