Hu Xiaoguang

Partner Lawyer

Location: Shanghai
Tel: 18916532343
Education Background

Bachelor of Law, Master of Law

Work Experience
  • From June 2017 to November 2019, Shanghai Haihua Yongtai Law Firm;
  • From December 2019 to March 2022, Shanghai Jiuze Law Firm;
  • Since April 2022, Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm
Areas of expertise

Lawyer Hu has deeply cultivated the field of corporate law for many years, taking into account the company's laws and contractual lawsuits and non -appealing experience, and has a wealth of corporate legal advisory experience. Lawyer Hu has participated in the shareholding reconstruction project of a number of enterprises, and provides enterprises with annual legal advisory services for many new three boards and listed companies. Lawyer Hu has participated in the preliminary dedication of the equity investment project initiated by Galaxy Investment, the design of the design and transaction documents of the later transaction architecture and transaction documents; the manager who has participated in a private equity fund manager as an LP, he invested 600 million yuan in the middle level (mother The fund size is 5.2 billion yuan), and arbitration cases with a subsidiary of a certain group and a listed company (as GP); handling a series of cases in the case of a company and suppliers owed to the supply of supply (35 million yuan involved in the case); Limited cases of buying and selling contracts; handling deposit contract disputes in a limited liability company, handling multiple investment disputes involved in corporate types, and achieved good agency results.

Classic Cases
  • 1. Non -vocal cases
  • Private Equity
  • The project includes: Guizhou Fund Management Co., Ltd., Shanghai's Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. private equity fund manager registered, Shanghai's asset management Co., Ltd. enrolled project, etc.; Three funds for customers successfully filed three funds.
  • Investment and financing
  • Participated in many investment and financing mergers and acquisitions, including: 100%equity of Galaxy Investment acquisition of Beijing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.; 40%equity of Galaxy Investment acquisition of Qinghai New Material Technology Co., Ltd.; Ziyu Capital acquired a 10%equity of a network live broadcast platform.
  • Three new board
  • Participated in many applications for listing, issuance of stocks, and acquisitions, and the shareholders' meeting witnessed the projects. Participating projects include: Hua Aluminum Co., Ltd., Yide Medical, Han Yin, Xinlujie, etc.
  • Second, lawsuit cases
  • As one of the main participants, the private equity investment series arbitration and litigation between the Everbright Group and Storm Video, the customer invests 600 million yuan in the intermediate share, and invests in the total investment of 5.2 billion yuan managed by the Everbright Group;
  • Holding a dispute between the tires and suppliers;
  • Holding the dispute between Shenzhou UFO and service provider;
  • Controlling a dispute between Baoneng Automobile and Service Providers;
  • Controlling the dispute between China Railway Construction Workers and Supplier;
  • Holding the dispute between Debon Logistics and employee;
  • Holding a case of commercial lease disputes in the Bund Center;
  • Cases of disputes over the National Electric Zhumadian venue cable supply contract;
  • Involved a dispute between a Douyin Internet celebrity and the operation platform.
Social positions and honors
  • Mediation clerk of the mediation center of China SME Association
  • Lawyer on duty of the Shanghai Law Association Public Welfare Legal Service Center
Working Language

Chinese English

