Qin Xueyong

Partner Lawyer

E-mail: 709726507@qq.com 
Location: Shanghai 
Tel: 15901908177 021-62101316
Fax: 021-62103539
Education Background

Master of Laws of Shanghai Jiaotong University

Work Experience
  • Lawyer of China Resources Snow Beer (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. from 2009 to 2011
  • Legal Director of 2011-2015 Shanghai Baofen Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd.
  • Lawyers of Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm since 2015
Areas of expertise

Lawyer Qin is good at handling civil and commercial affairs, contract disputes, divorce cases, and criminal defense.

Company business field: Lawyer Qin provides legal services for multiple enterprises/group companies, participates in many companies' major acquisition project negotiations, designs and trading structures, drafted and reviews relevant transaction legal documents; There are in -depth research and accumulation and rich experience. Provide customer enterprises with professional legal services such as investment and financing, draft contracts and review, management system modification and improvement, lawyers' letters and legal opinions, litigation and arbitration.

Criminal fields: Many major criminal cases such as drug trafficking and illegal operation have been handled, providing effective defense opinions for the parties, and striving for the maximum legitimate rights and interests.

Disputes: Lawyer Qin handled a large number of lawsuits and arbitration cases such as contract disputes such as borrowing, house (goods), equity transfer, and divorce, and accumulated rich experience in handling cases.

Working Language

Chinese, English

